Lithuanian Tabu Loft style restaurant

Lithuanian Tabu Loft style restaurant

by ehaitech |2020年4月16日 | Industrial News

The “Tabu” restaurant is built in a building near the concert hall in the center of Klaipeda. The exterior and interior of the building are old, and its exterior walls are made of clumsy red brick. The top of the form The space of the building site was developed on the basis of the rough loft style, which combines natural and artificial aging of bricks, metal and wood. CDG furniture is a loft style furniture factory.


The high arched windows of the house are a new style that fits neatly into the overall structure, with the innermost elements, apart from the chairs and lamps, the rest of which are individually produced. Metal pipes are installed on the wall to hide the leaky wires, forming a black wall lamp, which is very suitable for the “Tabu” restaurant.CDG furniture is a loft style furniture manufacturers.

The rest of the restaurant’s chandeliers use chains to connect to the ceiling, and the table and overall exterior decoration of the bar’s floor creates a very independent style. The bar of the bottled beverage box is made of sticky and deformed oak wood.

Bright neon lights and black barrels are decorated with artificial plants hanging in the ceiling of the prominent space. There are other obvious elements, including Chester-style furniture, artificial leather upholstery and stand alone in the windowsill lighting design.

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