Handmade Vintage old style metal furniture

Handmade Vintage old style metal furniture

by ehaitech |2020年6月24日 | Industrial News

Some people like the fresh Japanese people, some people like the pastoral style of the pastoral, and some people, eclectic, like the cold retro industrial style, do the old furniture, rough finishes are their most love.

PART1: Industrial style desk

This American village retro style solid wood workstations, the use of rust to do the old process, the table fitted with a pulley, Shu Shuai at the same time no lack of practical.

PART2: Iron frame

Extremely cool iron to do the old shelves, metal texture with wild wisdom in the atmosphere. Large space multi-storey, love to read you the best choice.

PART3: Old style iron dining chair

Large area of ??iron frame with hemp chair surface, people are very pleasantly surprised; Chinese style chair design is full of oriental charm.


We CDG establised in 2007.We mainly design, manufacture and supply a comprehensive range of high quality outdoor and indoor used metal furniture to the Hospitality, Leisure, Catering, Event, Education and many other commercial markets.

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